ICO You Were There


Go up one of the stairs to the left and right to the main part of the chamber. Go to the far end to find a number of the spirits surrounding a familiar figure. Go up the steps and start destroying the spirits. The conclusions that can be reached based on what they look like will be discussed elsewhere. There are a lot of spirits, more constantly appearing, but you will eventually destroy them all. Once you have done this, the stairs at the head of the room will lower, allowing you access to another elevator.
The elevator takes you up to the throne room. Go up to the throne, and you will find nothing there. Walk away again and you will shortly be called back. Approach the Queen.


Now you must kill the Queen. She has a shield protecting her. She is able to send out waves of magic that will kill you, and only the sword and the two Idol Statues in the room can shield you from it. The statues can be moved around to aid you. You must keep hitting her with the sword to kill her, each time the sword will be thrown away from you, leaving you vulnerable. However, the button that once made you look at Yorda will now make you look at the sword.
Start by moving the statues up near her, so that you can get to them easily. Then hit her for the first time. The sword is thrown into the middle of the stairs to the right. Hide until just after she uses her magic, then go and get it.
The second time the sword is thrown over to the left, at the far end of the main part of this chamber from the Queen. If you wish to play it safe you can move the statue on the near side closer to it to get closer to it safely. Go and get it when it is safe, then hit her again.
The third time it is thrown into the middle of the stairs on the left. If you moved the statue back to get it last time, move it forward again now. Once again, retrieve the sword and hit her.
The fourth time the sword is embedded in the wall at the bottom of the furthest left point of the stairs.
The fifth time you hit her you destroy her shield; however the sword is thrown to the far end of the chamber. Get behind one of the statues and pull it as close to the sword as you can get it, then, just after the effect of her magic passes you, go and get it, and hit her for the final time.




Written by Crumplecorn