The East Reflector
The door you just came through will seal itself behind you. Climb up the ladder on the left, and call Yorda after you. When she gets to the top the spirits will attack again, but it is a fairly easy fight. Once you have dealt with the spirits, save in the Stone Seat. If you look around, you will see that this is actually an open-air arena, though it may not look like it at first.
Now you must try to open the three circular doors in this building. Over to the left, directly across from the Stone Seat, which you should use to save, there is an open doorway. Go through the open door to find yourself in a large hall. You are in the smaller raised area, so climb down the ladder near you into the main area. At the near end of the hall in this lower area is a cylindrical platform. You may notice that it starts to glow when Yorda approaches. Climb up onto it, and help Yorda to do the same. When she stands on it, a mechanism will activate, which will raise the Idol Staircase, which runs the length of the hall, and leads up to one of the circular doors. Once you have activated it more spirits will attack, so destroy them all. Once you have done that, go to the top of the Idol Staircase and pull the lever. This will open two small alcoves on either side of the circular door. Light your stick using the torch near the lever, then light the torches inside the alcoves. This will open the circular door. Climb up into the doorway, help Yorda up, and take her outside to the Reflector area. |
Along to the right of the doorway is a Stone Seat, so save there, then head over to the left of the doorway, where you will find a ladder. Climb up it and go back inside the hall. You are now on a walkway above the Idol Staircase. Follow it to the end, where you will find a lever and a torch. Pull the lever to open the alcoves beside the middle circular door. Now you must light your stick off the torch on the wall, jump down to the small area on the right, and light the torches in the alcoves. Once you have done that this door also opens, and a sword falls down on the other side. Now you must go back up to the walkway to get Yorda, and bring her back down, then take her back the way you came to the Arena.
When you get to the Arena, go to the open circular door and pick the sword up. This will cause a cage to rise around you. Look to the left and right of the circular door, further along than the two alcoves. There are two pulleys, one on either side. Climb onto each of these and cut the ropes with your sword. Once both ropes are cut, the cage will fall again. The door you went through to get to the Idol Staircase is over on the right of the Arena. There is another door in the same place over on the left, but it is currently closed. To open it, go to the top of the stairs in the far left of the Arena and cut the rope up there. The easiest way to cut it is with an overhead swing, simply jump at the rope and swing the sword. This will open the door, so go back down the stairs, get Yorda, and go through. |
On the other side of the doorway is another large hall, this one with a steep slope. But neither you nor Yorda can go up it at the moment, as the water running down it simply pushes you back down. Instead look at the wall on the right. It has a series of ledges you can use to get to the top. Climb up onto the one nearest ground level. Sidestep all the way right, then jump up and grab the ledge above you. Climb onto it, then jump up and grab the next ledge above you. Climb onto that, then sidestep left three or four times, and jump up and grab the ledge above you, and climb onto it. Then jump up and grab and climb onto the ledge above you again. Now sidestep all the way right, then jump up and grab the ledge above you. Climb up and sidestep all the way right again. This time drop down to the ledge below the one you're on. Climb onto it and sidestep all the way right again. Now drop down to the ledge below you again. Climb onto it and sidestep to the right until you are standing directly in front of the outcropping in the wall, any further right and you'll fall doing the next bit. Jump up and grab the ledge above you, climb up, then jump up and grab the next one up. Climb up and sidestep all the way right once again. Jump up and grab the ledge above you, climb up, sidestep all the way right, then drop down onto the platform above the slope. This next bit involves leaving Yorda alone for a while, so try not to take too long. Go out to the walkway near you and run to the far end. Open the door there by stepping on the pressure pad and go through. Now you're on another walkway, which runs above the Idol Staircase. Follow it to the left, jumping over the gap where the raised drawbridge is. Go up the first staircase to another flat part of the walkway. Along here are two ropes holding one half of the drawbridge up. Cut them both with your sword, then continue along the walkway. It leads around to the other side of the hall, where you will find the ropes holding up the other half of the drawbridge you passed on the way up. Cut these ropes too, then continue along the walkway and through another pressure-pad door.
Now you are above the Water Hall. Pull the lever at the far end of this walkway to stop the water. Now you must go back down there, the quickest way is to climb onto the walkway's railings and carefully drop down on the other side. Call Yorda up to the top of the slope, and follow the walkway to the Idol Staircase hall again. Once inside start along the walkway again, but only for a few feet, as this time the drawbridge is down. Cross the bridge with Yorda and go into the Arena at the far end.
You are now far above the Arena on a railed off platform. Directly across from where you entered the Arena is a gap in the railing. Take Yorda to it and a hidden bridge will become partially visible. Step out onto it and more will become visible. Continue this until you reach the far side and Yorda opens the Idol Doors. Go past the Idol Doors onto a small walkway. Go to the left and pull the lever. This will open the alcoves next to the third and final circular door. Go back to Yorda and take her back the way you came all the way down to the Arena proper. When you get there, retrieve your stick from near the middle circular door, light it using one of that door's alcove torches, then go and light the alcove torches of the final door. When you do this it will open, and a beam of light will pass from the Reflector through this building, activating an orb above the main gate, and also opening a nearby door. The door that you entered this building by will open again now, so grab your sword, save if you wish, then take Yorda back outside. |
Written by Crumplecorn